Ekō Ten Year Celebration

Ekō somos 23,075,953 personas luchando contra el abuso de poder de las corporaciones.

Nuestros Valores

Ekō es una comunidad global de millones comprometides a garantizar que las corporaciones y los gobiernos prioricen a las personas y al planeta sobre el lucro.

Animal Rights and ProtectionAnimal Rights and Protection
Environmental Sustainability and JusticeEnvironmental Sustainability and Justice
Human and Worker's RightsHuman and Worker's Rights
Equitable Trade and Finance DealsEquitable Trade and Finance Deals
Civil LibertiesCivil Liberties
Racial and Economic JusticeRacial and Economic Justice
Privatization of Public ServicesPrivatization of Public Services
Climate ChaosClimate Chaos
Digital Rights and Data ProtectionDigital Rights and Data Protection
Shareholder AdvocacyShareholder Advocacy